Board Meeting October 6, 2007
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October 6, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Gary Standley at 1 PM at the home of Audrey Brown, attendees were:

Gary Standley
Nancy Standley
Audrey Brown
Dorothy Fullam
Vince Freemantle
Naomi Hunt
Marilyn Dillard
Gary Dodson (visitor)
Diana Lynn (visitor)
Kent Brown (visitor)
Mike Torquemada (visitor)

The minutes from the July meeting were approved with corrections to the General Meeting minutes as follows:

Board members with 2 year Term
Naomi Hunt
Carol Draper
Vince Freemantle

Board members with 1 year term
Nancy Standley
Greg Mellon
Marilyn Dillard

Dorothy Fullam gave the treasurers report:
Beginning Bank Balance $6125.86

Dues and Keys 560.00

$200.00 Donny Lauri (Brushing)
86.18 PG&E (July, Aug, Sept)
140.98 Gary Standley (Cement for Sign
23.12 Audrey Brown (cement for sign)
594.47 Gary Forbes (blocks for the sign)
304.99 Gary Standley (wood for the sign)
349.88 Nancy Standley (letters for the sign)
250.23 Buddys Auto ( Neighborhood Watch Cruiser repairs)
49.31 Gary Standley (wood for the sign)
52.33 Gary Standley (Hardware for the sign)

$2051.49 Total Expenses

Ending Balance as of October 6, 2007 $4634.37

Total expenses for the sign $3119.05.

The treasurer's report was approved.


Gary Standley reported the repairs to the Neighborhood Watch cruiser. The check engine light was coming on and it needed a tune up and new spark plugs. The repairs were done by Buddy's Auto.

Dorothy Fullam reported that we now have 100 members in TVIA.

Diana Lynn shared information on the Auto Alert Phone Tree. It was decided that the community should be asked if they wanted to participate. This would give phone calls to alert us of Mountain Lion sightings, Fires near the area, or problems that may require police. We will E-mail to the 70 people we have addresses for and if there is enough interest we will work on contacting everyone. This will be discussed again in January. Mike will help in building a phone list on all owners in the Village. This will be very helpful in the Neighborhood Watch Program and also the Auto Alert System.

Marilyn Dillard wanted to thank the President on the beautiful new sign. It looks great.


1. Gary Standley wanted to thank everyone helping on the construction of the new Trinity Village sign:

Matt Antongiovanni
Paul Antongiovanni
Audrey Brown
Kent Brown
Gary Dodson
Gary Forbes
Vince Freemantle
Bob Hixson
Jim Maher
Steve Packard
Dave Simera
Jeremy Simera
Gary Standley
Nancy Standley

He also thanked the following Businesses:

GDF Builders
P.A. Builders
Simera Masonry
Miller Farms Nursery

2. Audrey Brown read a letter from Greg Mellon. He wanted to let the board know he was giving up his spot on the board. The Board appointed Gary Dodson to serve out his term.

3. Marilyn Dillard wanted to know who to contact now if there was a problem with her water. We supplied her with the numbers posted on the Trinity Village Voice web site.

4. Gary Dodson asked about speeding on Hawkins Bar Road by the volunteer fire department and Gary Standley stated that it had already been discussed and taken care of in the department.

5. The suggestion of widening the parking area at the swimming hole has been discussed and dropped because of all the regulations.

The next meeting will be held January 5, 2008 at 1 P.M., at the home of Gary and Nancy Standley.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted
Audrey Brown