October 14, 2017
The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Standley at 1 PM at the Fire Hall. Board members
present were Nancy Standley, Dorothy Fullam, Kent & Audrey Brown, Cindy Gatioan, Mary Seely, and Merry Ann Grow.
Attendees were, Anita Freemantle, Derick White, Charlene Lundblade, Jeff West, Samantha West, Paul Antongiovanni, Matt Antongiovanni,
Gary Standley, Tim Fisher, Bruce and Cathy Millerbis, and Mona Pinochi.
The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved.
Dorothy Fullam gave the treasurer’s report:
Beginning Balance $3842.19
Dues and Keys $3425.00
Total $7267.19
Nancy Standley (mail labels) $ 22.37
PG & E (July, Aug. Sept.) $ 91.59
Alan Mercier (weed whacking)$100.00
Nancy Standley(Picnic expense)$189.49
Total Expenses $403.42
Bank Balance as of Oct.1 4, 2017 $6863.96
Thanks to Gary Standley and Bruce Millerbis for patching the pot holes over the past few months.
Bruce hauled the cold patch by a dump truck and then he and Gary worked on the various holes throughout the Village.
On Friday October 13th Paul Antongiovanni helped spread with his Bob Cat the material by the Fire Hall. We will get more cold
patch in the spring and continue the pot hole patching.
Gary Standley asked for volunteers to repair the posts on the Bulletin Board at the entrance. Paul
Antongiovanni, Bruce Millerbis, and Kent Brown volunteered to help.
A formal motion for the new TVIA signers on the bank account at Umpqua bank was made by Merry Ann Grow
and seconded by Tim Fisher and approved by the attendees. The signatures will be: Nancy Standley, Dorothy Fullam, and Cindy
Nancy asked for a report from Merry Ann Grow on the Feral cat program. There have been 7 new Village
kittens taken to a foster home. The Village Feral Cat Project was formed in 2011 and each year since some donations
have come in for the express purpose to help with spay and neutering of Village feral cats. Cindy and Merry Ann have
been capturing and taking care of what they can for several years. A motion was made to rename the Feral Cat Project the “Carol
Draper Memorial Fund for Feral Cats.” The motion was seconded and approved. Requests for donations to the fund
will be added to the Annual Village Voice newsletter. Merry Ann asked that we approve $1200.00 now for the cost of kittens
to cover the expenditures incurred by Cheryl’s foster care and vet bills. She estimated that around $250 per kitten
from the first litter have been incurred by Cheryl. After much discussion the motion was made by Bruce Millerbis and
seconded by Mona Pinochi to pay bills as received up to $1200.00. The motion passed unanimously. Merry Ann will be presenting
bills to Nancy to account for any TVIA expenditures. Paul Antongiovanni donated $91 to help defray the costs of fostering
the 7 kittens. Charlene Lundblade has given $200 already for the care and pledged another $200 to go to Cheryl for this.
Anita spoke on Fire Preparedness and asked for volunteers to form a committee to find ways to make our
community as safe as possible for escape in case of a fire and make our community aware of the fire dangers and what we should
all do on our properties to keep the Village safe. They will try to work with Trinity County Road department on clearing
the roads in the Village and on Denny Road. The committee will consist of Anita Freemantle, Jeff West, Paul
Antongiovanni, Kent Brown, Tim Fisher, Derick White, Gary Standley, Joe and Mona Pinochi, and Cindy Gatioan. The first
meeting will be at the Fire Hall on Saturday October 28, 2017 at 10:30 AM.
The TVIA meetings will now be held at the Fire Hall. The next meeting will be scheduled for January
6, 2018 at 1pm.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Audrey Brown