The sun's shining here when it's foggy on the coast
Swimming on summer nights
The Fall Colors
Seeing snow instead of shoveling it
The lots are spacious and many have been left natural so it feels like you'e living in a National Park
Mountain iris and mountain lilac
River otters
The Hawkins Bar Volunteer Fire Department!!!
Manzanita and Madrone bark glowing orange and red at sunset
The great rocks (unless you're digging postholes!)
The roads are maintained and allow safe and long walking paths
A full moon rising behind the trees
Croaking frogs
Waking at sunrise
No traffic
The sound of the creek
Ironsides Mountain frosted with snow and the sun shining on it
Jim Murray (always keeping our water flowing)
The newsletter and the bulletin board make us all feel a part of it
Star gazing
Ospreys soaring
Riding our bikes around the Village
The smell of the woods when it rains
Cool nights and hot days
All the volunteers who keep on helping for the betterment of the Village
The camaraderie and support of the community
Sighting a bald eagle
The folks at the gas station are great, and it's close by
The River is beautiful and we have easy access
Coveys of quail
Walking with the full moon
Crickets chirping
Tubing down the river with the whole family
It feels safer here than most places
People here care about the Village and one another
The "hum" of hummingbirds
People are friendly and relaxed
It's quiet
The breakfasts and the Village parties on the 4th and Labor Day
You do not see "cookie cutter" homes
All the trails in the backcountry
The small town feel - like it was fifty years ago
Card playing and potlucks
Evening picnics on the river beach
Waking up to sunshine
Children laughing
Late dinners outside
River swimming and boating
The beautiful setting
Being serenaded by songbirds