April 5, 2014
The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Standley at 1PM. Attendees were Gary
Standley, Nancy Standley, Audrey Brown, Kent Brown, Vince Freemantle, Anita Freemantle, Dorothy Fullam, Kate Vogelsang, Dave
and Merry Ann Grow, Bruce Millerbis, Carol Draper, Rogene Rawlins, Mary Seely, and Cindy Gatioan.
The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved.
Dorothy Fullam gave the Treasurer’s
Beginning Balance $3658.01
Donations to TVMWC for acquisition
of water company $4155.00
PG&E (Jan. Feb. &March)
Harland Clarke New Checks 46.46
Nancy Standley (website annual
dues) 59.40
TVMWC Expenses taken from donations for the purpose of aiding the acquisition of the
Water Company:
Lee Karjola (lawyer fee) 1000.00
Anita Freemantle (Coast Central
Credit Union account ) 50.00
URIS (Insurance TWMWC) 1709.00
Audrey Brown (Mailing labels TVMWC) 41.13
Total Expenses $2989.40
Balance as of 4/5/2014 $4823.61
The Treasurer’s report was approved.
Old Business:
Nancy thanked the board members for their work this year:
Carol and Rogene for taking care of the flowers at the entrance sign and planter.Vince, Bruce
and Kent for refinishing the sign. Gary for getting the county to put in three new stop signs on China Flat and Big Oak and
for weed whacking on the Denny Road curve by the Village. Cindy for taking care of the feral cats.
Nancy also thanked the Villagers who contributed a total of $4105 specifically for the purpose
to aid in the acquisition of the Village Water Company.
She also thanked the board members of Trinity Village Mutual Water CompanyA for taking on the
task of purchasing the water company.
New Business:
At the request of the TVMWC all of the donated funds will be transferred to their own checking
account and a check was issued for the balance of $1354.87, along with a list of all donations and all checks paid out of
the donations up to this point.
Anita Freemantle gave a report on the progress of the water company purchase. The owners
have the purchase agreement and should have it back to the board soon and escrow will be opened at that time. They have collected
$192,830 and still have money coming in.
Gary Standley talked to the Trinity County Road Department about the pot holes on our roads.
It was taken out of the budget this year and Gary suggested that we try to get them repaired ourselves. Anita suggested
contacting Jim and Jeff West and see if they could help with the repair. He will get back to us with the estimate.
Road frontage clearing was discussed. The County still had not cleaned up the corners
of China Flat and Lone Pine. Cindy will get a work group together to do the work on Lone Pine and China Flat.
She will also contact the gentleman for the annual clearing of the meridian. TVIA will pay him as before.
The newsletter will be out soon.
Audrey asked for volunteers to help at the HBVFD breakfasts starting in June. They will
be the first Sunday of June, July, August, and September at the Fire Hall.
The next board meeting will be July 5 at noon at the Fire Hall. The Annual Meeting will
follow at 1 pm.
Officers and Board members up for election are:
Nancy Standley, Audrey Brown, Dorothy Fullam, Kate Vogelsang, Gary Standley and Mary Seely.
All have volunteered to run again at the meeting in July.
No further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, Audrey Brown Secretary