JANUARY 5, 2013
The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Standley
at 1:pm. Board members present were, Nancy Standley, Audrey Brown, Dorothy Fullam, Carol Draper, Naomi Hunt, Vince Freemantle,
Mary Seely, and Kate Voglelsang. Guests present, Kent Brown, Gary Standley, Jerry Gerkensmeyer, Rogene Rawlins, Judy
Longshore, and Cindy Gatioan.
The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.
Dorothy Fullam gave the Treasurer’s report:
Beginning Balance $2589.98
Dues $ 75.00
Standley (flowers) $ 43.03
PG&E (Oct.,Nov.,Dec.)
Arnot (Filing Fee) 250.00
Trepanier (Postage, Printing) 253.94
Total Expenses: $
Ending Balance $2037.71
The Treasurer’s report was approved.
Old Business:
Cindy gave her report on the feral cats. Nancy had a
concern because she had seen some kittens within the last week or two. Cindy said that the last litter was all gone
now. Cindy also talked about the dog problem on Hawkins Bar Rd. She thought maybe the people were moving.
New Business:
Cindy reported a problem with telephone lines on Hawkins Bar
Road. Verizon has been working to correct the problem.
Nancy thanked Carol and Rogene for taking care of the plants
at the Village sign. She also thanked Kate and Audrey for doing the bulletin board.
Nancy announced two resignations from the board. Naomi
Hunt will be moving, and Lorraine Parnell will not be able to serve her term.
Kent Brown was nominated to replace Naomi for the 1 year left
in her term, and Gary Standley was nominated for the 2 year term to replace Lorraine. They were approved.
Gary suggested a letter to Trinity County asking them to repair
the roads in the village. Audrey will get a letter to them on the TVIA letterhead.
There was a discussion on the purchase of the water company.
Nancy said there will be some more expenses to be paid for mailings and she will let the board know when they come up.
The next meeting will be held April 6, at 1:PM, at Gary and
Nancy Standley’s home on Hawkins Bar Rd.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Audrey Brown,