April 7, 2012
Meeting was called to order by Gary Standley.
Members present were, Gary Standley, Pat Briggs, Dorothy Fullam, Nancy Standley, Audrey Brown, Vince Freemantle, Carol Draper
and Naomi Hunt. Guests present were Mary Brown, Cindy Gatioan, Rogene Rawlins, and Kent Brown.
The minutes of the January meeting were read and
Dorothy Fullam gave the Treasurer’s report:
Beginning Balance
and Keys
PG&E (December - March 105.12
Total Expenses
Bank Balance January 7, 2012 $1935.28
Treasurer’s report was approved.
Old Business:
Mary and Cindy said they now have 10 feral cats ready
to be taken in. the cost will be $31.00 each. Mary will be taking 2 in on Monday April 9. Nancy suggested that
we talk to Dr Mike in Willow Creek to see if he would help instead of having to take them into the coast each time.
Thus far the TVIA has been able to neuter or alter 15 feral cats.
The County has filled a few of the pot holes in the
road. They are still in need of some repair.
Nancy read the mailings to our Trinity County Supervisor
Debra Chapman about the possible loss of our Ambulance service. There will be a Meeting in Arcata at the United
Indian Health Services building on April 12, 2012 at 1:30PM. Debra Chapman said she would attend and she will be addressing
our concerns. Anyone interested should attend and voice their concerns as well.
Cindy reported on dogs loose in the village.
One dog has been shot in the leg but still is out running. Animal control continues to be called.
New Business:
Sunday May 27 will be the annual Burton Pickle
& Patti Goldman Run/Walk which benefits the HBVFD. We will be getting more details later and post them on
the bulletin board.
Charlene Lundblade is looking for donations for the
HBVFD Rummage & Bake Sale. It will be held on August 11th. Thus far there are not enough donations of items
to warrant a sale.
The Trinity Village sign needs to be repainted again
this year. Gary and Vince have suggested that a roof be put over the sign so it won’t have to be done every year.
The motion was approved.
Gary announced that Neighborhood Watch will disband.
The county wants us to pay $51.00 for each member and do background and financial checks on every member. The consensus of
the members was that the process was that no one wished to go through the invasive process let alone pay the fee.. We
will still be watching out for our neighbors as we did prior to 2005 without the patrol car.
Cindy has purchased a Scotch Broom Puller.
She will share with anyone who wants to get rid of the invasive non native plant which poses a fire hazard.
The next Board Meeting will be, Saturday July 7,
2012 at 10:00AM with the Annual meeting to follow at 11:00AM at the Fire House.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting
was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Audrey Brown