The meeting was called to order by President Gary Standley at approximately 10 a.m., at the Firehouse. Those in attendance
Gary Standley
Dorothy Fullam
Greg Mellon
Marilyn Dillard
Vince Freemantle
Judy Hixon
Wade Bray
Nancy Standley (visitor)
Diana Lynn (visitor)
Audrey Brown (visitor)
Melissa Merryman-Kinder
The minutes from the previous Board meeting were accepted as written. Treasurer Dorothy Fullam gave her report. Notable
expenses were $280.00 for the Village Voice newsletter and $84.00 for PG&E lighting. The TVIA account balance is approximately
Old Business:
Many kudos to Diana Lynn and Rampa Tinling for the excellent job with the Village Voice newsletter. A great layout and
many informative articles. Thanks also to the Standleys and Anita Freemantle, et al. For their contributions.
Gary spoke briefly about the entry sign. Discussion was deferred until the general meeting to follow.
Gary reports that the Neighborhood Watch patrol car is going back in for a tune up and the radio needs work and operators
need radio training. (I must report that I recently saw the Neighborhood Watch vehicle parked in front of the Standley house.)
The Standleys expressed a desire to job share as far as attending the Neighborhood Watch monthly meetings, anyone interested?
New Business:
There was discussion about the perennial lack of law enforcement coverage in and around Trinity Village and Hawkins Bar.
Diana Lynn reminded us that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. She advocated that a down river contingent of concerned citizens
attend supervisor meetings. The resources in Trinity County are spread very thin with 2 officers assigned to Weaverville
area and 2 others cover the rest including Hayfork and Junction City.
There is a no burn order in effect.
Vince described a variety of improvements made to the Grange building with grant money acquired by HBVFD. These include
new locks, new lighting and wiring, a new Monitor heater and a swamp cooler. The HBVFD is currently offering to rent the
facility to any interested parties. Contact the HBVFD for details.
There was a discussion about the merits of posting a rescue bag at the river beach for emergency use. This sounded like
a good idea.
Diane Lynn introduced the idea of building a Trinity Village website. This could contain valuable information re: emergency
services, posting of resident concerns, links, etc. She agreed to ask about interest in this during the general meeting.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for October 7, 2006, at 1p.m at Gary & Nancy Standley's house.
Respectfully Submitted,
Greg Mellon