October 1, 2011
Meeting was called to order by Gary Standley at 1
p.m.. Members present were, Gary Standley, Pat Briggs, Dorothy Fullam, Nancy Standley, Audrey Brown, Carol Draper,
Gary Dodson and Naomi Hunt. Guests present were Rogene Rawlins and Kent Brown.
The minutes of the July meeting and the Annual meeting
were read and approved.
Dorothy Fullam gave the Treasurer’s report:
Beginning Balance
and Keys
PG&E (July, August, September) 78.98
Nancy Standley (flowers for Sign) 18.15
Security Lock (river gate keys) 151.20
Nancy Standley (Flowers for Sign) 27.66
Gary Standley (sandpaper for sign) 37.20
Charlene Lundblade (yard sale ads) 51.00
Total Expenses
Bank Balance July 2, 2011 $3379.39
Treasurer’s report was approved.
Old Business:
There was a complaint about dogs barking continually
during the day and night. Gary Standley has again asked that people contact the Trinity County Sheriffs department and
they should take care of the problem.
Gary Standley trimmed the grass along Denny road
at the entrance to the Village.
There are 7 more vouchers needed to alter the feral
cats. Cindy continues to trap them and take them in. She has been finding homes for some of the cats. Thanks
to Cindy and Mary the problem has improved.
New Business:
Naomi Hunt requested that we call the county about
the cars parked on China Flat Rd. They have not been moved for quite some time and they narrow the roadway. Gary
will contact the abatement officer to have them ticketed.
Gary Dodson reported that thanks to Butch Mathews
the emergency phone is now in at the beach swimming area. It is in a red box on a red post and when used goes directly
to 911.
The Annual donation to the HBVFD of $1500.00 was
Bill Anderson will be contacted about road repair
where the water leaks have occurred in the Village.
It was suggested that we put up reflectors on Lone
Pine Rd where it dead ends. Gary will look into putting them up.
The TVIA now has 98 members.
The next Board Meeting will be, January 7, 2012 at
1:00 PM, at the home of Carol Draper and Rogene Rawlins.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting
was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Audrey Brown