July 2, 2011
Meeting was called to order by Gary Standley at 10:00
a.m. at the Fire Hall. Members present were, Pat Briggs, Dorothy Fullam, Nancy Standley, Audrey Brown, and Carol Draper.
Guests present were Merry Ann Grow, Marilyn Dillard and Rogene Rawlins.
The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved.
Dorothy Fullam gave the Treasurer’s report:
Beginning Balance
and Keys
PG&E (March, April, May, June) 105.14
Nancy Standley (Postage, Supplies, Plants)
Cindy Gatioan (Newsletter Printing) 156.78
W. C. Christian School (Weeding) 250.00
Jordon Krupa (Weeding, Sanding Sign)
Total Expenses
Bank Balance July 2, 2011 $3073.58
Treasurer’s report was approved.
Old Business:
Gary reported that Burnt Ranch School got the donation
of $1,000.00.
Willow Creek Christian School did the weeding in
the meridian on Hawkins Bar Road, and Jordon Krupa sanded the sign at the entrance to the Village and it has now been stained
and completed.
Gary also reported that the downed road signs have
now been put back up.
The 3rd annual Trinity Village Rummage
Sale was a great success. There were more buyers this year. Thank you to Charlene Lundblade for all her hard work on
the advertising and organizing.
The Annual Walk/Run was held with 71 runners on May
29, 2011.
New Business:
Merry Ann Grow reported a problem with dogs running
on Coon Creek Road, and has called Animal Control. She has encouraged all of us to report any problems with packs of
dogs to Animal Control in Trinity County. They will respond to the dog owners.
There has been a report of a possible Mountain Lion
again near the Village everyone is to be on the look out and should report any sightings.
Gary Standley was asked to notify Trinity County
about the tall grass on the Denny Rd. by the entrances of the Village. It is getting hard to see the oncoming traffic
around the sweeping corner.
We received a thank you letter and donation of $100.00
from Vic Wright and Ellen Thompson for our Feral Cat Project. They appreciated the job being done to spay and neuter
the cats.
The next meeting will be October 1, 2011 at 1:00
PM, at the home of Kent and Audrey Brown.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting
was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Audrey Brown