Board Meeting January 3, 2009
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January 3, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Gary Standley at 1:00. Members present were:  Gary Standley, Gary Dodson, Dorothy Fullam, Nancy Standley, Vince Freemantle, Pat Briggs, Naomi Hunt, Carol Draper and Audrey Brown.  Guests present were: Jerry Gerkensmeyer, Charlotte Dodson, Kent Brown, Cindy Gatioan, Dave Grow, Mary Ann Grow, Rogene Rawlins, Mary Brown, Ron Wermes, Diana Lynn and Marilyn Dillard. 

The minutes of the October meeting were approved.

Dorothy Fullam gave the Treasurers report:

Beginning Balance   5883.09

Income:           60.00


PG&E (Oct., Nov. & Dec.)             78.07

Bank Balance January 3, 2009 $5865.02


Don Sheldon has cleaned up the blackberries at the entrance to the Village. 

Gary has asked Steve Packard to paint the sign and it will be done as soon as the weather permits.

The lights at the entrance have been changed.


Gary Standley gave a report on the Fire Department.  There were 80 calls last year, and the department has purchased a newer Fire Truck. Gary Dodson made a suggestion that TVIA make a donation to the Hawkins Bar Fire Department of $1500.00 to help pay for the truck and other needed supplies. Our fire insurance rating is very good because the fire department is here, and it keeps the cost of insurance down because of it.  The motion was moved and seconded. Gary informed everyone of the Appreciation Dinner put on by the Fire Department.  It will be January 17, at the Grange. It is to thank everyone for their donations and help during the year.

The next meeting will be held at the home of Naomi Hunt, 314 China Flat Rd, on April 4, 2009, at 1:00P.M..

With no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Audrey Brown, Secretary 

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