July 8, 2007
The meeting was called to order by President Gary Standley at 10 AM at the Fire House, attendees were:
Gary Standley
Nancy Standley
Audrey Brown
Dorothy Fullam
Vince Freemantle
Naomi Hunt
Marilyn Dillard
Diana Lynn (Visitor)
Kent Brown (Visitor)
The minutes from the April meeting were approved with addition of Dorothy Fullam as attendee
Dorothy Fullam gave the treasurers report:
Beginning Bank Balance $5037.66
Dues and Keys 2060.00
PG&E (April, May, June) 86.18
Inkjet labels 16.08
Rampa Tinling (Newsletter) 100.00
Nancy Stanley (Newsletter) 325.65
Trinity Village Water (labels) 6.31
Gary Forbes (concrete) 437.58
Bank Balance as of July 7, 2007 $6125.86
The Treasurers report was approved.
Gary Standley reported on the Neighborhood Watch program. We now have a total of 11 volunteers and everything is going
Gary reported on the progress of the new Village entrance sign. The concrete has been poured and the base is ready for
rock. He wanted to thank everyone for their help, especially Gary Forbes and Paul Antongivanni for there help with the footings.
They not only volunteered their time but also the use of their equipment to dig out for the foundation. They also negotiated
a discount on the concrete. After several trips to Weaverville we now have all permits in place and the progress has begun.
Vince Freemantle brought up the problem of Golf Carts driven in the Village on the County roads. It is dangerous and
illegal. He reported a golf cart passing his residence with eight young girls on it. No one had a driver's license or helmets.
If someone would have fallen off it could have been a serious problem. It will be discussed at the General meeting and hopefully
Dianna Lynn brought up the Mountain Lion situation She was asking for some kind of warning system to be put in place
when one is sited. She will investigate into a telephone system and other warning devices and bring the information to the
next meeting. The signs have been posted at several locations in the Village and it is also on the Website. It was suggested
that a special page on the website be set up to keep a running list of sightings for people to track.
Thank you to Dianna Lynn and Nancy Standley for all their hard work doing the Newsletter. It was a great job and the
information on the Trinity Village site and the old mill were really interesting. They hope to continue with more information
on the history and Naomi Hunt suggested her husband Harold could possibly help for next year's newsletter.
It was suggested that a project for next year be widening the parking lot at the river. It would give better access and
more parking area for swimmers, picnickers, and fishermen. This will also be discussed at the general meeting.
It was also suggested that board members could share their positions. It is sometimes hard when not living here full
time to attend all of the meetings, so sharing a position would help make that possible and ensure there are always enough
board members at each meeting.
The next board meeting will be held at the home of Audrey Brown, 50 Fisher Rd, at 1PM on October 6, 2007.
With no other business the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
Audrey Brown