Annual General Meeting
July 8, 2007
The meeting was called to order by President Gary Standley at approximately 11 AM. Treasurer Dorothy Fullam gave her report.
1. President Gary Standley gave his report on the year in review:
The new Trinity Village sign is in process and he thanked everyone who helped, especially Gary Forbes and Paul Antongiovanni
for their contributions of time and equipment on the sign. The permits have been the biggest expense. The total cost so far
in $945.00. The letters have been ordered at a cost of $20.00 each. Marilyn Dillard asked about the old sign. It was very
rotten and has been disposed of. The space for the flowers will be filled by next spring. Thanks to Jim Murray we will be
able to water from the hydrant that is there. Pictures of the construction are on the web site,
Gary also gave a report on the neighborhood watch. We now have 11 volunteers and all is going well. Besides our regular
drives through the Village, we have been able to accommodate people if they need their homes checked during the winter and
summer months.
2. Steve Packard gave the report for the Hawkins Bar Volunteer Fire Department:
Steve passed out pamphlets on Fire Home Safety. He stressed the importance of pre-fire planning in the community. The
moisture levels are at below normal conditions and No Burning is allowed.
Dianna Lynn suggested a form for homeowners to fill out on their properties listing vital information, such as, how many
rooms, where gas tanks are located, how many people live there, etc. She volunteered to help produce the form.
Steve discussed the safety issues of children driving golf carts and 4 wheelers on the County roads in the Village. This
was brought up by Vince Freemantle at the board meeting. It is illegal and very dangerous. He cautioned parents and children
to obey the laws.
New Business
1. Gary Standley asked for suggested improvements for next year. He suggested the widening on the parking area at the
river. He also asked for volunteers to help with the project. Kent Brown, Vince Freemantle, Gary Dodson and Gary Standley
will look into what can be done.
2. Nancy Standley gave a report on the Trinity Village Voice website. She is now the webmaster and encourages people to
use the site for advertising and sharing information and pictures. It was suggested that a link be attached for the mountain
lion sightings.
Thanks to Nancy Standley, Dianna Lynn and Rampa the web site looks great and is updated regularly. It has been great to
track the progress of the new sign.
3. Dianna Lynn suggested an alert system for the mountain lion sightings, such as a siren or a neighborhood watch patrol
using a bull horn. She will do some research on costs and alarms available and discuss at the next meeting.
4. Water quality was discussed and they wanted information about what was currently being done by the water company to
up grade our treatment system. We passed out the address for the State Health Department and will also ask the water company
to use the web site to keep us updated on what progress is being made on the upgrades.
5. The final item of business was the election of new board members and officers. The slate proposed by the current Board
was approved by a show of hands andis as follows:
President Gary Standley
Treasurer Dorothy Fullam
Secretary Audrey Brown
Board Members
Naomi Hunt
Carol Draper
Vince Freemantle
Greg Mellon
Marilyn Dillard
Nancy Standley