TVIA Minutes for April 28, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 1 pm. at the Fire Hall.
Members Present at this meeting were as follows:
Nancy Standley, President, the new Treasurer: Catherine Alexander and the new Secretary: Kate Vogelsang,
Board Members: Gary Standley, Mary Seely, Cathy Millerbis (new), Cindy Gatioan, (new) Connie Anderholm.
The minutes from previous meeting were read by Nancy Standley. A motion to accept the Minutes
was given by Connie Anderholm and seconded by Kate Vogelsang.
Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning Balance: $ 6,332.35
Income from dues: $20
Expenses: $71.40 web site:
$30.38 printed notice for
Fuels Reduction in the Village
$38.60 New TVIA meeting reminder
$221.08 Kool
Village April Night supplies and web costs
$91.97. PG&E for 3 months
$200.00 Donation to the Willow Creek
Fire Safe Council
Total Expenses: $653.43
Balance as of April 28th, 2018: $5698.92
Old Business:
The Willow Creek branch of the Umpqua Bank has closed. TVIA account balance will be moved to the
Willow Creek Coast Central Credit Union. This change is scheduled to occur prior to the next TVIA meeting in July
Merry Ann Grow gave an update on the Feral cat program. Nancy read a thank you from the WC
Fire Safe Council for the TVIA’s donation and thanked Gary, Anita, Bruce, Kent, Audrey, Connie and Time for their
work on Fuels Reduction and helping the chipping crew from Willow Creek. Nancy also read an update on the Village Fuel
Reduction Committee from Anita Freemantle. There will be a work party Sunday 4/29 at 10 am to work on additional clearing
to be ready for more chipping by the WC Fire Safe group.
The Kool Village April Night welcome to summer will begin at 5:30 tonight April 28,2018.
Thank you to the volunteers who helped to cook, set up and clean up. Nancy encouraged everyone to attend.
New Business:
Caution is given regarding the Trinity River Release from the Lewiston Dam.
On April 17, 2018 the release was started. The predicted peak flow of 1900 CFS is expected
to be evident in the Trinity River Village area by May 13,2018. The high and rapid water levels are expected to continue until
After the Memorial Weekend. Water level is to return to the usual water levels of 450CFS by June 30, 2018.
A motion was made to combine the Annual TVIA Meeting with the TVIA Board Meeting scheduled to start
at 1pm on July 7, 2018. Motion to accept this change was made by Connie Anderholm and seconded by Gary Standley.
TVIA Board commitments: Gary Standley,Mary Seely, and Kate Vogelsang’s terms will be ending
this July and have committed to serve for another 2 years as board members. The election for officers and 3 board members
will take place at the July 7, 2018 Annual TVIA meeting.
Nancy Standley spoke of losing 3 valued Members: Audrey and Kent Brown and Merry Ann Grow. These
residents have recently moved away. Dorothy Fullam a long time Trinity Village resident and the Treasurer for both the
Hawkins Bar Fire Department and the TVIA for more than 30 years is no longer able to continue in this capacity.
Two volunteers: Cindy Gatioan and Cathy Millerbis have graciously agreed to be new board members.
A motion to approve these two new board members was made by Connie Anderholm and seconded by Kate Vogelsang.
Catherine Alexander will be the new Treasurer and Kate Vogelsang will be TVIA secretary.
Motion to accept these changes and elect the new board members was made by Connie Anderholm and
seconded by Kate Vogelsang.
Annual Newsletter the Village Voice will be limited to a Calendar of Trinity Village Events.
Nancy tells the open floor to be sure to provide your telephone and email information.
This information is used for bulk emergency calls from the Texas Alert Call System.
Remember to say “hello” or provide an answering machine voice to stimulate the Alert
message to proceed with the “The Trinity Village Alert” System Message.
There is a new and improved White Board at the Trinity Village Sign located at the entrance to
the Village.
The July 4th Trinity Village Parade Theme this year will be: “ A Good Old Fashion Fourth
of July”
Please note that the Summer Village fundraiser for the Hawkins Bar Fire Department first Sunday
Breakfast is looking for a volunteer to coordinate the breakfasts.
Trinity Village Resident, Stacey Purifoy is very worried about speeding cars in the Village.
This creates an obvious and real danger to those people and animals walking along the Village’s roads. A discussion
ensued regarding options to help remind those drivers to respect the safety of others and the speed within the Village areas.
Please talk to your neighbors about the need to slow down when driving in the Village areas.
Mary Seely suggested perhaps a flyer could be made and placed on the car windshield to remind visitors
and residents about the speed limits and the hazards to fellow residents and their pets would be effective. Stacy Purifoy
will look into the cost of Rumble Strips as an option for speed management.
Pot holes in the Village are currently filled using Cold Patch by resident volunteers, Gary Standley
and Bruce Millerbis. A motion for the TVIA to purchase 10 tons of cold patch material was made by Cathy Millerbis and
Second by Kate Vogelsang.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 pm.
The next TVIA general meeting is planned for 1pm July 7, 2018 at the Fire Hall.
Respectfully submitted by Kate Vogelsang