July 6, 2008 Board Meeting
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Board Meeting
July 6, 2008

The meeting was called to order by President Gary Standley at 10 A.M. at the Fire House. Attendees were: Gary Standley, Nancy Standley, Audrey Brown, Dorothy Fullam, Vince Freemantle, Gary Dodson, Marilyn Dillard, and Naomi Hunt.

The minutes of April 5, 2008 meeting were approved.

Dorothy Fullam gave the treasurer's report:

Beginning Bank Balance $4500.97

Dues and keys $2025.00

Nancy Standley (Light Bar & Parts) 69.93
PG&E (April and May) 50.95
Nancy Standley (Gas Lock) 31.91
Nancy Standley (Flowers) 21.62
Security Lock (Keys) 150.15
Nancy Standley (Newsletter) 295.86
Trinity Village Water Company (Mailing Labels) 6.34
Audrey Brown (Postage Newsletters) 28.82
Donny Lauri (Brushing) 225.00
Diana Lynn (Phone Alert System) 14.95

Total Expenses $895.53

Bank Balance as of July 6, 2008 $5630.44

The Treasurer's report was approved.

Old Business:

Nancy Standley gave a report on the web site and the call list for emergency notifications. The call list has been very helpful to keep everyone posted on the fire conditions and meetings with the Forest Service.

The board thanked everyone that worked on the Newsletter. Diana Lynn and Nancy worked very hard on the articles and did a great job. They are already starting on next year's articles about the history and events that take place in our area.

Vince Freemantle reminded us again to make sure our 911 calls are being dispatched through Trinity County. You can do this by calling 911 as a non emergency and ask them which county you would be dispatched from. You can make changes with your telephone server. He also wanted to remind us that our street numbers should be clearly marked on the front of our property. This will help to locate your home in an emergency.

We asked if there had been any news on the house on China Flat Road. The county had notified them of the situation and they have started to clean up the brush. It was suggested that we contact the owner and let them know that Buddy's would pick up the old cars for free.

New Business:

Gary Standley asked for suggestions on Village improvement for this year. It was suggested that we replace some of the worn signs in the Village with new metal signs.
It was also suggested that we clean up some of the berry vines at the entrance. These suggestions will be brought up at the Annual Meeting.

The next meeting will be October 4, 2008 at the home of Naomi and Harold Hunt, 314 China Flat, Trinity Village.

With no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Audrey Brown, Secretary

Board Meeting
July 6, 2008

The meeting was called to order by President Gary Standley at 10 A.M. at the Fire House. Attendees were: Gary Standley, Nancy Standley, Audrey Brown, Dorothy Fullam, Vince Freemantle, Gary Dodson, Marilyn Dillard, and Naomi Hunt.

The minutes of April 5, 2008 meeting were approved.

Dorothy Fullam gave the treasurer's report:

Beginning Bank Balance $4500.97

Dues and keys $2025.00

Nancy Standley (Light Bar & Parts) 69.93
PG&E (April and May) 50.95
Nancy Standley (Gas Lock) 31.91
Nancy Standley (Flowers) 21.62
Security Lock (Keys) 150.15
Nancy Standley (Newsletter) 295.86
Trinity Village Water Company (Mailing Labels) 6.34
Audrey Brown (Postage Newsletters) 28.82
Donny Lauri (Brushing) 225.00
Diana Lynn (Phone Alert System) 14.95

Total Expenses $895.53

Bank Balance as of July 6, 2008 $5630.44

The Treasurer's report was approved.

Old Business:

Nancy Standley gave a report on the web site and the call list for emergency notifications. The call list has been very helpful to keep everyone posted on the fire conditions and meetings with the Forest Service.

The board thanked everyone that worked on the Newsletter. Diana Lynn and Nancy worked very hard on the articles and did a great job. They are already starting on next year's articles about the history and events that take place in our area.

Vince Freemantle reminded us again to make sure our 911 calls are being dispatched through Trinity County. You can do this by calling 911 as a non emergency and ask them which county you would be dispatched from. You can make changes with your telephone server. He also wanted to remind us that our street numbers should be clearly marked on the front of our property. This will help to locate your home in an emergency.

We asked if there had been any news on the house on China Flat Road. The county had notified them of the situation and they have started to clean up the brush. It was suggested that we contact the owner and let them know that Buddy's would pick up the old cars for free.

New Business:

Gary Standley asked for suggestions on Village improvement for this year. It was suggested that we replace some of the worn signs in the Village with new metal signs.
It was also suggested that we clean up some of the berry vines at the entrance. These suggestions will be brought up at the Annual Meeting.

The next meeting will be October 4, 2008 at the home of Naomi and Harold Hunt, 314 China Flat, Trinity Village.

With no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Audrey Brown, Secretary